Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Kota on Lucky.

just got word from a homie that dakota IS on lucky scooter parts. cant really say i would of ever guessed this. i cant really see him riding lucky parts. but we'll see how this goes. Be on the lookout for other changes in the lucky team soon..


  1. It's already started. Blake Bailor left Lucky today. So now it's just a matter of whose next. By the look of it, it seems like Lucky is making some huge changes. Like parts produced in China, and them apparently not checking with their team riders to see if this addition isn't going to rub them the wrong way. Conform or die, I guess?!?!

  2. It's official. The only team riders as of right now are Mike Montgomery and Jon Aglialoro. James Gee and Even Yamada made the move, as well as team manager Kingsley. This momentum change speaks VOLUMES of how riders feel about Dakota. I mean, when 3/4 of an entire Pro Team and a TM leaves?!?! Wow.

  3. Let's not forget the fact that these guys who quit, made Lucky what it is (or was) today. Lucky owes a lot to these guys. When everyone said "these scooters are too heavy and unbalanced" they were quick to show what could be done on them. That's HUGE.
