Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Blunt is now Envy?

So I seen somethin on Jordan Jasa's facebook and some kid said somethin about Blunt being Envy Scooters now. I had no idea about this but Jordan was telling me that Blunt is changing there name to Envy over in Aus. I guess its still going to be Blunt in the U.S. I seen on the Envy Facebook that part of the new name is that they just set up a new shop and Envy stuff is made there. The logo for Blunt and Envy is still the same which is kind of weird to me but thats there call. This is what they said on the Offical Envy Facebook page... "For over a year now Blunt Scooters has been producing high quality products. A new direction has been decided for Blunt, which will be changing its name FOR AUSTRALIA ONLY to ENVY SCOOTERS. For everyone in Australia you will still have access to all the same products you know, just with a new name and an even higher level of quality.
LIKE this page to stay up to date with all the news coming from Envy Scooters.
Please note: Everywhere but Australia will be operating as Blunt Scooters
"- Envy Scooters.


  1. True and soon it will be in the USA. The new Name is Envy same logo. we sell pro scooter stuff

  2. I now know. THANKS. I thought they were two different brands.

  3. "For over a year now Blunt Scooters has been producing high quality products. A new ...
