Thursday, August 11, 2011

French Toast Review!

So a few days ago I got a package in the mail from the BROs at Sky High. Inside was what most of us scooter riders have been waiting for... For a longggg time. A legit scooter mag!!! I open it up and there it was, Issue 2 of French Toast! You can tell just from how good the cover looks that its going to be an amazing mag. So I open it up and take my first look.

Right off the bat theres a district ad that looked soooo sick. Whoever edited it did a great job and it looks like something straight outta a bmx or skate mag. There are alot of good ads in there and thats something that I was really looking forward to. Seeing some well put together ads and good tricks in them.

Another thing thats pretty cool is there is a little news section where it shows some of the stuff thats going on and its split up into the countries where scooter riding is biggest like the US, Aus, Europe and so on. There just little updates on whos on what team and whats going on. Then there is another section called Showroom. Showroom is when they take parts from all different companies and tell you the company, weight, price, what compression system it can use and a few other things. Then it goes on to tell you a little bit about the product. It could really come in handy if your looking for a new part and dont know what to choose. This months part is forks and there are 10 different ones to look at!

Another section they got that is kind of like Showroom is Look. Look is clothes and stuff like that. I was personally hyped on this section becuase the put the TILT "I ONLY FILM BANGERS" tee in there. A tee that I came up with for TILT that has sold pretty well! But there are clothes, shoes, sunglasses things that scooter riders would be hyped on. Im sure the next issue will have more scooter companies in it since I've been seeing alot of new tees and that new elyts backpack! Wouldnt be surprised if that was in the next one.

The interviews in this issue are pretty sick you got one with Terry Price and another with Dakota Schuetz. Both are pretty cool and they talk about alot of different shit. Both guys have some cool pictures in them to so thats always a plus to. Dont really know what else to say about the intervews I guess you just gotta read them for yourself.

Another thing thats in French Toast is somethin called Toasted Face. Its pretty much a interview and this issue has my homie Tyler Wheeland taking the spotlight. Twhee took a trip over to France for the street jam and they talk about that and just stuff that twhee is into I guess. I got hyped on it. Prob just becuase Tyler is such a interesting person but mostly just weird haha.

Well im not gonna go any farther than this. There is so much shit that French Toast has to offer. Theres alot more stuff that I didnt even cover like the contests and scene reports and just so much stuff. The is only one downside to French Toast and that its not all in english. But its not made in the U.S so what do you expect?! haha there are a few spelling errors and little stuff like that but I'm sure that people wont care to much. Plus I'm sure that with every new issue its just going to improve and get better! Remember this is only the 2nd issue and its only going to get bigger! So support the guys who are making this and go grab a copy now from Sky High! Thanks to Tdadd and Jordan Jasa over at Sky High for hooking me up with a copy and I hope this gets you to buy your own copy if you havent done so already!

Buy your copy now at 

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